Monday, February 20, 2012

When a Friend Turns 26, You Bring Her to a Newly Opened Branch of Han's

When we were younger, we were so excited to grow up and blow the incrementing candles in our birthday cakes each year. By the time we reach our 20s, the candles just become numbers and the box ticking begins.

Every decade has it's range - the lower limit, the median and the upper limit. The digits are no longer important. It's all about the early, mid and late ranges. Now I wonder, what was I doing on my early 20s? Good riddance! Feels like a decade ago. But for my friend Makriz, she's still on her mid 20s - where the real QLC (quarter life crisis) takes place. Some people say life begins at 30 but in reality, it begins the moment we are mature enough to realize that life is waiting to happen. 26 is a good number to start with...

As good friends, we wanted it to be extra special. Han's opening was just in time. We can have a nice lunch and a delish chocolate truffle cake for dessert.

I knew Han's serves good food and desserts. It's always my go to place at the airport so it was refreshing to see it as an actual restaurant / food place with decent chairs and a lot of cakes on display.
Their set menu was not bad either. With 9.80sgd, you can get a set meal - soup of the day, main course, iced lemon tea and dessert. I got the grilled pork in black pepper sauce. Yum!
But of course, birthdays will never be the same without a surprise birthday cake.
Oh, and since she was so touched by our surprise bday cake, she treated us with with some Spinelli Matcha T Twist! <3
 Happy Birthday Makriz. Life is waiting to happen - go for it!

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