Sunday, June 19, 2011

Crazy/Beautiful 3rd Week of June

I like my weeks crazy! For some reason, it makes me feel alive and breathing. As weird as it sounds, being idle just doesn't work for me. Well, there are dull moments - times when I just wanted to hibernate and never utter a single word. I do that. I can't live without my quiet moments.

Anyway, how did the 3rd of June go by?

Highlight of my week # 1: Enrolled on a swimming class :)

Suddenly,  I wanted to be that surfer chic. Hah! Dream on Ice..dream on! But yeah, it was a motivation. I attended my first class. It was therapy without the shrink!  Totally calmed my spirit. Why haven't I thought of swimming before? Aside from checking some items (swimming is on top of the list this year!) on my bucket list, I guess it's about time to make time for myself. This is the perfect way! I learned breast stroke (minus the kicking part though) on the first session! Hurray for my swimming instructor :)

Highlight of the week # 2: I PASSED THE ISTQB CERTIFICATION EXAM! 

Thank G! The agony of waiting was almost 3 weeks. I would rather flush myself in the toilet than not pass. It would be too shameful. Seriously. But God is good. I know I was never a fan of exams because I always feel really scared and nervous. It's like I almost want to vomit. But yes, thank God I passed. So happy :))

To end this post. Saw this snippet from my friend Joseph's blog: "A few simple tips: Don't promise when you're happy, Don't reply when you're angry, and Don't decide when you're sad"

So true.

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